Dokumentacija na engleskom jeziku, projekta skladišta fossfogipsa u K.O. PRAHOVO

Dokumentacija na engleskom jeziku, projekta skladišta fossfogipsa u K.O. PRAHOVO

Na osnovu čl. 20., a u vezi sa čl. 29. stavovi 1. i 3. i čl. 32. Zakona o proceni uticaja na životnu sredinu („Sl. glasnik RS“ 135/04 i 36/09) ), čl. 4. i čl. 5. ESPOO konvencije (The Law on Ratification of the Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context  („Official Gazette of  the Republic of Serbia“ , No. 102 /07),  daje sledeće

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U postupku konsultacija o prekograničnom uticaju na životnu sredinu Ministarstvo poljoprivrede i zaštite životne sredine, Sektor za planiranje i upravljanje u životnoj sredini, Odsek za procenu uticaja projekata i aktivnosti na životnu sredinu pripremilo je dokumentaciju na engleskom jeziku, projekta skladišta fossfogipsa u K.O. PRAHOVO, na teritoriji S.O. Negotin, nosioca projekta, “ELIKSIR PRAHOVO“.

Projektom potencijalno pogođene strane ( Rumunija i Bugarska ) mogu izvršiti uvid u sadržinu predmetne Studije o proceni uticaja na sajtu Ministarstva poljoprivrede i zaštite životne sredine (Prilog 1, Prilog 2)  i dostave svoje komentare u roku od 30 dana od dana objavljivanja ovog obaveštenja.

In accordance with Art.20, related to Art.29, paragraphs 1 and 3 and Art.32 of Law on Environmental Impact Assessment („Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia“ No. 135/04 and 36/09) ), Art.4 and 5 of the ESPOO Convention - The Law on Ratification of the Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context  („Official Gazette of  the Republic of Serbia“ , No. 102 /07),  publishes the following


During consultation process regarding environmental impact assessment in a transboundary context, the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection, Department for Environmental Planning and Management, Section for Assessment of Environmental Impact of Project and Activities on the Environment, has prepared documentation in English language on the project of development of phosphogypsum storage in C.M. PRAHOVO, on the territory of M.A. Negotin, project owner, “ELIXIR PRAHOVO“.

Parties potentially affected by the project (Romania and Bulgaria) can view the content of the Impact Assessment Study on the website of the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection (Attach 1, Attach 2)  and submit their comments within 30 days from the day of the announcement.